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Trailer released for Soderbergh virus thriller Contagion

Written By rohman on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 | 10:03 PM

Watch out everybody, according to Laurence Fishburne, the birds are weoponising the bird flu. I kid you not.
Just as he did with the Oceans movies, Steven Soderbergh has collected a fairly astonishing raft of talent for new virus thriller, Contagion, which stars Marion Cotillard, Laurence Fishburne, Kate Winslet, Matt Damon, Jude Law and Gwyneth Paltrow. Watching this trailer though, there’s a sense that perhaps he shouldn’t have bothered.
It could just be virus-fatigue speaking (do we
really need another movie in which someone stares, terrified, into a complicated scientific display on their computer screens and utters the words “It’s mutating”?), but this doesn’t look great.
Based on Jude Law’s odd accent (Aussie? Sarf Arfrican?), the wonderful Laurence Fishburne being humiliated with lines about birds weoponising the flu virus, and the tagline “No one is immune to fear”, we're not 100% excited about Contagion.
So far, its main purpose seems to be sending OCD sufferers running for the (sterilised, steam-washed) hills and shifting hand-sanitising antibacterial gel to a paranoid public. Perhaps Soderbergh's bought shares in Procter & Gamble recently?
Still, good movies have come from less-than-inspiring trailers before, and at least they kill off Gwyneth Paltrow before she starts singing that Cee Lo Green song, so, every cloud, we suppose…
Contagion is due out in the UK on Friday 21st October. Watch the trailer below.
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